Saif Ali Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital in an auto-rickshaw helped by his older son, Ibrahim Ali Khan. Saif suffered six stab wounds, including one near his spine, during a confrontation with an intruder at his home late last night. They were unable to find a car ready to leave. The 23-year-old actor quickly helped his injured father into the three-wheeler. And they made the approximately two-kilometre journey from Khan’s Bandra residence to the hospital.
Saif Ali Khan was rushed to hospital in auto-rickshaw
A video captured shortly after the attack shows Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif’s wife, standing beside the auto-rickshaw. She can be seen speaking with the household staff about the incident. Saif’s team confirmed that he underwent surgery and is now out of danger, adding that all other family members are safe.
The incident has been classified as an attempted burglary by Saif’s team. While police have referred to the attacker as an “intruder,” they have not explicitly mentioned the robbery aspect.
Investigation and CCTV Footage
CCTV cameras at Saif’s home did not capture anyone entering the premises within two hours before the attack. This suggested that the assailant had entered the building earlier and was waiting to strike. Police are currently reviewing CCTV footage to identify the attacker, who fled the scene after the stabbing.
Authorities suspect that the assailant may be connected to one of the house staff members. It has been allegedly provided him access to the home. This staff member is now being interrogated as the Mumbai Police work to uncover the details surrounding this shocking incident.
Community Reaction
The attack on Saif has raised alarm among fellow members of the film industry. Pooja Bhatt expressed her feelings of insecurity and called on Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis to increase police presence in Bandra. Additionally, the Opposition has criticized the NDA government, questioning the safety of ordinary citizens if even celebrities are vulnerable to such attacks.